HCG 5000 IU by Swiss Chem

HCG 5000 IU

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HCG 5000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. It supports the corpus luteum, which in turn produces progesterone, crucial for maintaining the uterine lining and pregnancy. HCG 5000 IU has structural similarities to luteinizing hormone (LH) and can bind to LH receptors, playing roles in sexual development and reproductive function.

HCG is critical in pregnancy for the production of progesterone. It is often used in fertility treatments to induce ovulation. Swiss Chems HCG 5000 IU is derived from the urine of pregnant women and is known for its high purity and effectiveness.

Chemical Properties

  • Chemical Formula: C1105H1770N318O336S26
  • Molecular Mass: 36,700
  • Synonyms: Chorionic gonadotropin, Choriogonin, Endocrine, Gonabion
  • CAS Number: 9002-61-3

Product Specifications HCG 5000 IU

  • Total Amount of Active Ingredient: 5000 IU
  • Shelf Life: 36 months

Product Quality Assurance HCG 5000 IU

Swiss Chems ensures that all products are rigorously lab tested. Results are periodically published on their website. Customers can have their purchased products independently tested at any HPLC-licensed testing facility. If the results are negative, Swiss Chems will refund the cost of the HPLC test and the total amount of the order plus the shipping fee.

Clinical Applications and Benefits

  • Fertility Treatments: HCG is commonly used to trigger ovulation in women undergoing fertility treatments.
  • Testosterone Production: In men, HCG can stimulate the production of testosterone, making it useful in treating hypogonadism and other conditions associated with low testosterone levels.
  • Developmental and Sexual Function: HCG plays a critical role in sexual development and function due to its similarity to LH.

Peer-Reviewed Studies

  1. Prolonged Biphasic Response of Plasma Testosterone:

  1. Effects on Serum and Urine LH and Androgens:


Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a versatile hormone with significant roles in fertility treatments and testosterone production. Swiss Chems offers high-quality HCG 5000 IU with rigorous testing and customer satisfaction guarantees. Peer-reviewed studies further validate its efficacy and therapeutic potential.

The information presented here is not meant to replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns about a medical condition, it’s important to consult with your physician or a qualified healthcare professional. Never disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on what you’ve read or seen. We take no responsibility or liability for the use of our research compounds and products. Please be aware that they are exclusively intended for research purposes. We do not endorse any personal use.


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Swiss Chem


Human chorionic gonadotropin


5000 IU 1 Vial


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